AI 无用论?手把手教你利用 AI 提升品牌发展战略| 橙干货


在 AI 飞速发展的今天,如何利用 AI 对品牌发展和营销做一些贡献呢?四海为大家总结了 44 个关于产品、客户、战略等方面的问题,大家可以尝试放到  ChatGPT 里提问,说不定会有惊喜哦。


1) Features and USPs

List ten features and unique selling points of [Product/Service].

2) Benefits

Context: Here are the features of [Product/Service]:
[Insert here].
Task: List the benefits of each feature.

3) Transformations

Context: These are the benefits of [Product/Service]:
[Insert here].
Task: For each benefit, give an example of a specific situation in which it improves the customer’s life.

4) Before and after

Describe the before-and-after effects of using [Product/Subject].

5) Challenges

What are the main challenges or “enemies” that [Product/Service] helps customers overcome?

6) Competitors

Who are the main competitors of [Product/Service] in the market? Who are the main players in the [X] industry?

7) Alternatives

What are the alternatives to [Product/Service]?

8) Disadvantages

Here are the alternatives to [Product/Service]: [Insert here]. What are the disadvantages of each one of them?

9) Cons of the product

What are some potential downsides or negatives of [Product/Service]?


1) Target audience
Describe the main target audience of [product/service].

2) Channels

List ten places, online and offline, where the target audience of [product/service] is likely to spend their time.

3) Voice of Customer

Find customer reviews and forum discussions about [Product/Service/subject]
(Note: browsing mode must be on).

4) Inside jokes

What are some inside jokes or memes popular among [target audience]?

5) Brand touchpoints

Can you provide a daily timeline for a typical [product/service] customer, highlighting the moments in the day they engage with [product/service] and any associated activities?

6) Customer interview

Act as: [target persona]
Context: We are two old friends sitting in a bar. I will ask you questions, and you will respond openly and honestly.
First question: [e.g. What is stopping you from buying the product?


1) Clichés

What are some clichés often associated with [Product/Service/Industry/Subject]?

2) Social issues

What social issues are connected or related to [Product/Service/Industry/Subject]?

3) Tech trends

What are the latest technological trends that could help in promoting [Product/Service]?

4) Cultural trends

What are the latest cultural trends that could help in promoting [Product/Service]?

5) Nostalgia

What nostalgic memories are commonly associated with [Product/Subject]?

6) Customer objections

What are common objections or criticisms related to the use of [Product/Subject]?

7) Fun Facts/Today I learned

Find ten fun and fascinating facts about [Product/Subject]. Begin each fact with “TIL.” Provide URL sources.

8) Statistics

Find ten important statistics or studies on [Product/Subject]. Provide URL sources.

9) Movies and shows
List ten movies, shows, and documentaries related to [Product/Subject].


1) Aesthetic Universe
Describe the aesthetic universe that encapsulates [Brand Name/Industry]. Consider its visual identity, color palette, typography, imagery, and overall design approach. How do these elements align with its values, mission, and target audience? What mood or atmosphere do they create? How do these elements differentiate it within its industry or market? Consider any cultural, historical, or thematic influences that shape its aesthetic. How does this aesthetic universe evolve or remain consistent across different platforms and over time?

2) Brand personality

Imagine [Brand name] as a person. Describe their characteristics, personality traits, lifestyle, and values. Consider how [brand name]’s brand philosophy and design principles might translate into this person’s behavior, interests, and appearance.

3) Myths

Are there any urban legends or myths about [Product/Subject] or its users?

4) Overlooked wisdom

What are the obvious aspects of [Product/Subject] that we often overlook?

5) Social Norms

What social norms exist around the usage of [Product/Subject]?

6) Situations

In what circumstances or scenarios do people typically use [Product/Subject]?

7) Users vs Non-users

How do non-users perceive those who use [Product/Subject], and vice versa?

8) Rituals

Can you describe the common habits or rituals associated with [Product/Subject]?

9) Brand history

Describe the current and previous marketing campaigns and slogans for [Product/Service].

10) Unspoken truths
What does everyone know about [product/service/industry] but no one dares to say?


1) Mind Map

Create a mind map with [Product/Subject] as the central topic.

2) Expand Mind Map

List 20 associations and words related to [Product/Subject].

3) Phrases

List phrases related to [Product/Industry/Subject].

4) Idioms

Provide 10 idioms related to [Product/Industry/Subject].

5) Quotes

Find quotes related to [Product/Industry/Subject].

6) Poems and songs

Find poems and lyrics related to [Product/Subject].

7) Thesaurus

Context: You are a thesaurus.
Task: Find synonyms, antonyms, homophones, similar sounds, rhymes, and near rhymes for the word [insert word].
Delivery: Deliver your findings in a table.

8) Puns

Create 10 puns related to [Product/Subject].

9) Metaphors

Provide ten metaphors comparing [Product/Subject] to something entirely unrelated.

10) Jokes

Act as a stand-up comedian.
Task: Use your wit, creativity, and observational skills to create a stand-up routine on [Brand/subject/industry].
Guidelines: Incorporate personal anecdotes and experiences. Make it relatable and engaging.


💡 Pro tip 1: To get even better results, add this to your prompts:

Act as: An award-winning creative strategist with 20 years of experience in marketing and advertising.

Task: [Your prompt here]

💡 Pro tip 2: Keep using your brain. It’s way more creative, empathetic, and profound than AI.


海外广告一站式服务专家——木瓜移动深耕海外广告行业15年,拥有海量头部媒体资源及特色媒体矩阵,是Google中国区官方代理商、微软广告 (原必应广告) 官方代理商、Meta中国区十年优质合作伙伴、Criteo官方代理商、Amazon官方战略合作伙伴。同时,特色媒体矩阵深度覆盖100个国家和地区。

资深服务团队+成熟服务体系,木瓜移动坚持“客户第一,追求极致”核心价值观,服务团队均有Google Guru认证、Google Ads认证、Meta BluePrint认证,为各阶段出海企业提供专业的出海广告服务。

 他们都在与木瓜移动合作 图片







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